Meredith & Dale | Florence, Italy | Destination Portrait Photographer

Folks, Get ready to get your socks knocked off!  I have the coolest series of blog posts coming up.  Last month I got to participate in an Italian Wedding Workshop.  Basically Dale and Meredith wanted to get married in Italy, and being the very giving people that they are, they opened up their wedding to all us to come and learn some new tricks from the one and only, [B]ecker, and at the same time get some fantabulous images. It was quite great timing too, Lauren and I both turned the big 3-0 this year, and were looking for a unique way to celebrate it.  So a week to Italy isn't too shabby!!!

For now enjoy Meredith and Dale's engagement photos, with many more fun and exciting images to come from the rest of the trip in Italy and England! -D